Unfulfilled desire to have children - thematisation, pressure and dynamics #6

GYN & PERINATAL ZURICH > Unfulfilled desire to have children - Thematization, pressure and dynamics #6

Andrea Rinderknecht with Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann about the stigmatisation of infertility in our society. Because an unfulfilled desire to have children is usually based on the most complex of problems, simply verbalising it is a learning step for young couples.

Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann about the special pressure of young women towards their partner, within the family and circle of friends as well as the pride of young men when it is up to them. About the possible dynamics in a relationship and the challenges of communication so that it does not come to a separation.

Restore sexual pleasure to women

7 March 2022

As one treated patient reports: For a long time, she and her husband had a "normal, active sex life". But after menopause, sex became so painful that they finally stopped trying. The sexual problems of middle-aged women...

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Vaginal laser therapy for incontinence, especially after multiple births

6 March 2022

Many women have bladder weakness (urinary incontinence) after giving birth. As a result, involuntary leakage of urine may occur when coughing, sneezing or running and jumping fast. There is a genetic predisposition to bladder weakness, so it occurs in some families....

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Ultra-fast real-time corona PCR test device from diaxxo

10 January 2022

The current coronavirus pandemic shows that better, more reliable and faster tests are crucial to ensure optimal and timely treatment and to contain the spread. ETH start-up diaxxo has developed an ultra-fast real-time PCR testing device for various indications. Doctors can perform tests for viral...

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