Unfulfilled desire to have children - thematisation, pressure and dynamics #6

GYN & PERINATAL ZURICH > Unfulfilled desire to have children - Thematization, pressure and dynamics #6

Andrea Rinderknecht with Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann about the stigmatisation of infertility in our society. Because an unfulfilled desire to have children is usually based on the most complex of problems, simply verbalising it is a learning step for young couples.

Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann about the special pressure of young women towards their partner, within the family and circle of friends as well as the pride of young men when it is up to them. About the possible dynamics in a relationship and the challenges of communication so that it does not come to a separation.

Iron deficiency and anaemia in women? An international challenge - CEE Iron Academy via video congress, October 2021

20 October 2021

Iron deficiency is considered one of the most widespread forms of malnutrition. As an example, around 12% of the female population in Switzerland suffers from blood deficiency. Nevertheless, there was still no consensus on the nature and extent of the health consequences of iron deficiency...

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Prof. Breymann - Medical Advisor at ETH start-up DIAXXO

27 June 2021

Together with Dr. Stefan Meier, Dr. Gianluigi Berini and Charles Tschaggeny, I am pleased to be able to actively support the start-up as an "advisor" in strategic and scientific questions and solutions.

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Skin care secrets and routines - Valerie Roy interviewed by Crina Okumus

21 June 2021

From the podcast HOW CAN I HEAL? - Crina Okumus (crina.co) The world of beauty is full of myths and urban legends, arguably even more so when it comes to skincare. And while I'm not saying you can't rely on the...

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