More than 30 years of experience with iron deficiency in women

Iron deficiency and anaemia are among the most common problems in women worldwide. It is estimated that up to 30% of all women suffer from iron deficiency and its consequences.

These include fatigue and tiredness, physical and mental exhaustion, reduced performance, lowered immune defence, poor hair and skin quality and many others.

Iron deficiency before and during pregnancy leads to reduced fertility and during pregnancy to iron deficiency in the unborn child with negative consequences after birth.

We take your concerns very seriously and help you to combat iron deficiency.

30 years of experience with iron deficiency in women

Prof. Breymann has been working intensively on the topic of iron deficiency in women for about 30 years and is an internationally recognised specialist in the field.

He was instrumental in developing the treatment of iron deficiency with iron infusions and published extensively on the subject.

At our iron centre, women are treated daily with iron infusions and counseled about iron deficiency.


Anaemia and iron deficiency consultations

Prof. Breymann is a pioneer of research in the field of iron deficiency in women. He has significantly influenced the guidelines for the treatment of iron deficiency in women in Switzerland and internationally due to his research in the field.

More than fifty publications in the field of iron deficiency in women and two books have been written by him. If you have problems with iron deficiency, please contact us.

Causes of iron deficiency

Causes of iron deficiency in women are iron loss during menstrual bleeding or pregnancy, an increased iron requirement, which competitive athletes have, for example, and insufficient iron intake through food.

In non-pregnant women, iron deficiency can lead to fatigue, i.e. chronic exhaustion and reduced mental and physical performance. Other typical signs are hair loss, brittle nails, feeling cold, headaches and involuntary leg movements during sleep, the so-called "restless leg syndrome".

Fatigue and exhaustion

Iron is one of the most important minerals for your body and pregnancy for the development of your child. It is a crucial element in the food chain; its functions and effects on blood formation, the neuromuscular system and numerous cell and mitochondrial functions are well described.

Iron is also used for blood formation. It is important for the synthesis of enzymes for metabolism, the function of the respiratory chain in the cell, the immune system and muscle function as well as physical and mental performance.

Iron deficiency and altered personality

A lesser known fact is that iron deficiency can cause an altered personality, e.g. feeling depressed and sad, wanting to stay at home and becoming antisocial due to lack of energy and interest.

Iron deficiency and anaemia in women in gynaecological and obstetric practice

Anaemia and iron deficiency are among the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Successful iron therapy depends on correct diagnosis as well as the choice of effective iron supplements.

Iron deficiency and anaemia in women in gynaecological and obstetric practice.

This updated edition addresses the diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency conditions in women, taking into account the current use of iron supplements, and includes numerous obstetric and gynaecological case reports encountered in daily practice.

Book by Christian Breymann (2nd edition)

Iron tablets or infusions

Iron tablets have been the standard of care for iron deficiency in women for decades. It was neglected that iron supplements often have undesirable side effects such as constipation and gastrointestinal side effects. Furthermore, iron tablets are insufficiently absorbed by the intestines of some women.

However, there is no question that iron tablets have their place in the prophylaxis of iron deficiency or in mild iron deficiency states.

As an alternative to iron tablets or oral iron preparations, we can now administer iron infusions, i.e. high doses of liquid iron via the vein, for severe and chronic iron deficiency.

These iron infusions are very effective, work quickly and are generally also well tolerated. In many cases, we can quickly correct an iron deficiency with the iron infusion and thus contribute to women's health.

We attach great importance to the fact that iron infusions are only given for the right indication and to the "right" patients. These are mostly women who do not tolerate iron tablets or for whom the tablets do not work. We carry out a precise iron diagnosis and advise you on which iron preparation is best for you.

Finally, iron therapy should be sustainable, i.e. iron therapy only works if the cause of the iron deficiency, such as excessive menstrual bleeding, is also taken into account and treated if necessary.

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