GYN & PERINATAL ZURICH > Health and prevention

Prevention and healthy ageing

Women's health and healthy ageing means not only treating already existing diseases, but also acting with foresight and precaution in all phases of a woman's life.

For young women, this includes the prevention of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infections through vaccination, the choice of the right and individually adapted contraceptive method, the prevention of vitamin and iron deficiencies, the reduction of bleeding disorders, the possible use of hormone replacement in the menopause, taking into account the individual risks. We often see women who do not feel that their problems are taken seriously, or who are not listened to enough when they talk about them.

We want to take them seriously with all their problems, professionally, but also empathically and in all phases of life. In this way, "healthy aging" can become a reality.

Prof Breymann Prevention

Prevention in all phases of women's lives

Sex hormones & fertility in the different phases of a woman's life

Hormones play an important role in the health of every woman. They have different functions at different stages of life, e.g. development towards sexual maturity during puberty and adolescence, enabling reproduction and control of the menstrual cycle during sexual maturity, etc.

We are happy to advise you on hormonal cycle disorders, menstrual disorders and hormonal causes such as PCO (polycystic ovary) syndrome.

We also examine your hormone balance if you wish to have children or for clarification in the run-up to the menopause, for symptoms such as hot flushes, sweating and insomnia or psychological changes such as depression and irritability.

Women's health and hormones

There can be disturbances and pathological conditions in the interaction of the various sex hormones, which can be detected and treated.

Whether hormone therapy is necessary during the transition to menopause must be decided carefully after explaining the advantages and disadvantages. It is often overlooked that healthy ageing in women depends not only on hormones, but also on other factors such as adequate vitamin and iron intake, normal thyroid function and a fulfilling and symptom-free sex life.

All these things can be positively influenced, provided they are thoroughly clarified in advance. We are happy to support and advise you in this.

Hormone replacement and alternatives

Menopausal hormone replacement therapy (MHT) is a much discussed and important topic in women's lives. Hormone deficiency, especially oestrogen deficiency, has a variety of physical and mental consequences, which can be described as "hormone deficiency syndrome". Estrogen deficiency can affect all organ functions. These include skin and hair changes, circulatory problems, flushing, sleeping problems and concentration disorders, sexual changes, vaginal dryness, urinary leakage and others.

We are happy to advise you on the possibilities of modern hormone replacement therapy, but also on alternatives to hormone replacement by means of herbal substances (phytotherapy) and food supplements and vitamin supplements.

Inner health and beauty

PURA SWISS is your daily support system that addresses current life issues and promotes the enrichment of natural beauty.

We believe that your health and beauty is an expression of self-care and love. We want to protect it, keep it youthful and fresh.

For this purpose, we have developed "Stay Young Swiss" and "Beauty Hair Swiss" and "Immuno Swiss", which will support you in healthy ageing. We will be happy to advise you on which line suits you best.

Consultations for iron deficiency

The consequences of iron deficiency in women are comparable to those of hormone deficiency and can also increase the symptoms of hormone deficiency.

Iron is vital for every cell in the body and an iron deficiency therefore has a negative effect on all cellular and bodily functions.

We will be happy to advise you whether and if so which iron therapy is suitable for you.

Urinary bladder function and unwanted urine loss

Unwanted urine or urine leakage is a common complaint among women. There are many causes, the most common being vaginal childbirth and hormonal changes. We help you to clarify urinary bladder problems and work together with experienced centres for urodynamic clarification.

For the treatment of urinary leakage, you have the option of vaginal laser therapy at our centre. This method has recently been used successfully as an alternative to surgical interventions on the bladder. We will be happy to advise you on this.

Soft pink fabric shaped as female genital organs, vagina

Vaginal laser therapy

Laser therapy for women - an innovative and successful method for many women's conditions.

The "Mona Lisa Touch" CO2 laser has been used by us for several years to treat problems such as dry or itchy vagina, pain during sex, lichen sclerosus of the vulva, painful perineal scars after childbirth and thickened caesarean section scars (Kelloid).

In addition, studies have shown that laser therapy can also be used for mild to moderate urinary leakage, even as an alternative to surgery.

Swiss Longevity Day 2025 in Zurich

January 15, 2025

Longevity? How can we effectively meet the challenges of healthy ageing? Healthy aging from a gynecological perspective On January 15, 2025, the Swiss Longevity Day (SLD) took place in Zurich, where renowned experts provided in-depth insights into current developments in longevity research....

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Older age and well-being

April 16, 2024

Older age and well-being (Prof. Breymann comments on NZZ article from April 8, 2024) It is time that the topic of longevity, with all its sometimes obscure developments, was discussed and addressed seriously ("Eternal healthy life is a false promise", NZZ April 8,...

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Treatment of heavy bleeding disorders by sclerosing the uterine lining (NovaSure method)

November 20, 2023

Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia, hypermenorrhea) is a common problem in women, especially after childbirth or after the age of 40. This excessive bleeding can lead to missed work and a feeling of weakness. Although hormone treatments or hormonal IUDs exist to regulate bleeding, there are...

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