Desire for children - The different types of artificial insemination #4

GYN & PERINATAL ZURICH > Desire for children - The different types of artificial insemination #4

Andrea Rinderknecht with Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann about the two basic tracks of artificial insemination. The gynaecologist and obstetrician Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann on the two tracks of artificial insemination.

So-called interuterine insemination, for which ovulation is controlled and optimised sperm is specifically combined with the egg in the uterus. And the "in vitro" measures, for which the egg is brought together with sperm in the test tube and transferred to the uterus as an embryo at different later times.

Elective caesarean section: unjustly still little recognised

1 April 2019

In Europe, about 25 percent of expectant mothers decide to have a planned caesarean section without medical reasons. A wish that is still little recognised in our society. Wrongly so, says Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann, specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics...

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Unfulfilled desire to have children - thematisation, pressure and dynamics #6

30 November 2018

Andrea Rinderknecht with Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann about the stigmatisation of infertility in our society. Because an unfulfilled desire to have children is usually based on the most complex of problems, simply verbalising it is a learning step for young couples. Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann on...

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Desire for children - fulfilment with birth #5

28 November 2018

Andrea Rinderknecht with Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann about the importance of intensive support during pregnancy. Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann on the importance of individual care - especially after artificial insemination. For the perinatal physician, the desire to have a child is...

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