Desire for children - The different types of artificial insemination #4

GYN & PERINATAL ZURICH > Desire for children - The different types of artificial insemination #4

Andrea Rinderknecht with Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann about the two basic tracks of artificial insemination. The gynaecologist and obstetrician Prof. Dr. med. Christian Breymann on the two tracks of artificial insemination.

So-called interuterine insemination, for which ovulation is controlled and optimised sperm is specifically combined with the egg in the uterus. And the "in vitro" measures, for which the egg is brought together with sperm in the test tube and transferred to the uterus as an embryo at different later times.

Iron deficiency - tired, listless and emotionally weakened.

26 February 2014

Jenny Kaufmann felt tired, listless and emotionally weakened for a long time. The symptoms affected the training manager's private and professional life so much that she thought of depression herself. After a check-up at the doctor's and a ferritin measurement, she...

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Iron deficiency - Health programme CheckUp

12 February 2013

Without iron, nothing works in the human organism. And yet every second woman suffers from iron deficiency at least once in her life. In the red blood pigment, haemoglobin, iron is responsible for binding and thus supplying the cells with oxygen. The importance...

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Iron deficiency with and without anaemia

1 June 2012

At the 5th Iron Academy (2012) "Recognising iron deficiency and treating it properly", the focus was on practical aspects of iron deficiency. The main topics were iron status in premenopausal women, then anaemia in older people and especially in those with upcoming major orthopaedic surgery. More in-depth workshops...

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